API Reference

This is an example of a payload that will be received whenever a gift card is updated, voided, gifted, or a reminder is sent.

    "requestId": "string",
    "giftCardId": "string",
    "code": "string",
    "createdAt": "2023-09-25T05:18:46.590Z",
    "initialValue": 0,
    "formattedInitialValue": "string",
    "balance": 0,
    "formattedBalance": "string",
    "expiresAtUtc": "2023-09-25T05:18:46.590Z",
    "recipientEmailAddress": "string",
    "currency": "string",
    "appleWalletUrl": "string",
    "buyerName": "string",
    "buyerEmail": "string",
    "giftToFriendUrl": "string",
    "viewBalanceUrl": "string",
    "giftCardMessage": "string",
    "webhookTopic": "giftcard/updated | giftcard/voided | giftcard/gifted | giftcard/reminder"

A webhook message can be verified by examining the request header RequestVerificationToken and comparing that to the value set when the webhook was created.